Galerie Haas Zürich

Ausstellung vom 4. bis 26. Juli 2019

Katharina von Werz paints human pictures: portraits of women, of loving and dancing couples . But not only that, she also paints still lifes and moulds and paints clay. But it is the incomparable images of people that remain in the viewer's memory, the human beings and their mysterious powers and inner landscape. The artistic universe of Katharina von Werz consists of these few, so obvious and yet classical themes . In so doing, she seems to point to an accentuated distance between the observer and a "portrait of a woman" or a "couple dancing in public "; she stages a rigorous, informal veiling in order to hide a potential secret behind the facial facade , a secret behind the expression of the bodies and hidden from the public …

Mario-Andreas von Lüttichau